Apple Rootstock

Wafler Nursery


A fully dwarfing rootstock only slightly larger than M9 but in most respects similar. It is very cold hardy, resistant to collar rot, and is fireblight resistant. Requires a permanent support system. Can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions.


cv Mich96 USPP# 21,223

Produces tree similar to NIC29 in climates like New York. It is cold hardy. Fireblight resistant. Yields better than M9. Branch angles close to 90 degrees. Trialed in the U.S. for over a decade. Good alternative to the Geneva series.

M9 (337)

Produces a fully dwarfed tree with good fruit size. Ideal for high density plantings. Induces early cropping. Trees are very precocious and can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. Requires a permanent support system. May require irrigation if there is not ample soil moisture on site.

Geneva® G.11

Produces tree slightly larger than the M9. It is moderately resistant to fire blight, woolly Apple Aphid. Vigor is comparable to M9 rootstock.

Geneva® G.41

PP #11/047,374

This rootstock is a cross of Malling 27 x Robusta 5 introduced by Cornell University/Geneva Apple Rootstock Breeding Program. Similar to M9 with good precocity & fruit size. Resistant to fire blight & Phytophthora. Shows resistance to replant disease and appears to be winter hardy. Requires permanent staking. Weak bud union in first year.

NIC® 29

Produces tree slightly larger than M9. A more vigorous and extensive root system gives the tree slightly extra vigor than the M9. Can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. Requires a permanent support system.


An early bearer producing good sized fruit. Considered freestanding, but a temporary stake is recommended. Subject to collar rot (Phytophthora) and fire blight. If planted with the right site conditions, this rootstock is excellent and highly favored.

Geneva® G.935

PP #11/047,370

This rootstock is a cross of Ottawa 3x Robusta 5 introduced by Cornell University/Geneva Apple Rootstock Breeding Program. Trees produced are slightly larger than trees budded on M26. Resistant to fire blight and Phytophthora but not woolly apple aphid. Temporary staking is recommended but permanent staking is better.

Geneva® G.969

Semi-dwarf rootstock that is resistant to fireblight, crown rot, and wooly apple aphid. Slightly smaller than M7. Good replacement for G.30.

Geneva® G.30

Resistant to fire blight, collar rot, and wooly apple aphid. Considered to be a free standing precocious tree, but we recommended temporary staking. It is slightly smaller than the M7. Well anchored. Appears to be suitable for a wide variety of soils.


Produces a freestanding tree. It is widely used in the U.S. due to its hardiness and good anchorage. Does best on deep fertile soils and is resistant to collar rot. Has a tendency to root sucker and shouldn’t be planted on hardpan.


Produces a large, semi-dwarf tree. Tree is well anchored and does well in a wide variety of soil types. Recommended for heavy, poorly-drained soils and also where drought conditions occur.


Produces a large, semi-dwarf tree. Does well on all soil types. Is extremely winter hardy.

Tree Size in Feet at Maturity

Will vary depending on variety vigor

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