Pear Varieties
Wafler Nursery
Not all varieties are listed

Bartlett (European)
A large, heavy bearing, variety, with excellent quality. Long considered one of the top canning varieties. A favorite for all uses. Its skin is yellow blushed with brownish red, Pyriform in shape. Ripens off the tree. Can keep up to 3 months. Ripens mid-August to mid-September. Zone 5-

Bosc (European)
The Bosc Pear is medium to large dark yellow fruit with brownish russted skin and a long, gourd-shaped neck. It is aromatic, juicy, firm texture, smooth textured and white fleshed with a rich, slightly acid flavor that is great for eating, baking and drying. Can keep up to 6 months. Tree is upright, hardy and productive. Ripens early to mid-October. Zone 4-9

AC™ Harrow Crisp
PP# 17,843 (HW610 Clvt.)
Harrow Crisp was developed by the Harrow Research Station in Ontario, Canada. This variety ripens the same time as Bartlett with slightly larger sizing. Fruit has a very attractive finish with red blush over smooth, yellow skin and a mild sweet flavor. The tree is hardy, productive and has proven resistance to blight.

AC™ Harrow Sweet
PP# 9,863(HW609 Clvt.)
A late season pear developed by the Harrow Research Station in Ontario, Canada. Harrow Sweet ripens approximately three weeks after Bartlett. This variety has shown very good resistance to blight. The fruit size and appearance are similar to that of Bartlett. AC™ Harrow Sweet has an attractive blush

Flemish Beauty
(European) Large, roundish and uniform in size and shape. Reddish blushed color on a clear yellow skin. Flesh is firm, but tender. An excellent dessert quality which is aromatic, well-balanced, rich flavor. Good for fresh fruit and drying. Ripens mid-September in Western New York. Cold Hardy to zone 4.

Seckel Pear
A wild seedling from Pennsylvania. Small, yellowish brown skin color. Excellent dessert pear. Very crunchy. Ripens mid-September in Western New York. Hardy to zone 5. Somewhat fireblight resistant.