Scab Resistant Apples
Wafler Nursery
Scab Resistant in order of Ripening

Hardy in zones 4-8. Medium to large, bright, shiny, McIntosh type fruit with 90% red blush. Crisp, juicy, light yellow flesh. Flavor intensifies in storage. Annual bearer. Hardy, vigorous, heavily spurred, productive tree. Resistant to scab, fire blight, mildew, and cedar apple rust. Ripens early October.

CrimsonCrisp® (CO-OP 39)
CrimsonCrisp® is a 95% deep red medium size apple that ripens midseason around the time of Cortland. The apple has a crisp bite with a tart flavor. The apple has yellow flesh. Stores well for 6th months. The tree is very grower friendly. CrimsonCrisp® is scab-resistant and also shows resistance to cedar apple rust, powdery mildew and fire blight.

‘NY56’ PP30,758 Cordera®
Matures Early October. Large size, firm & crisp. Similar to honeycrisp in appearance. Excellent quality for scab resistant variety. High yielding. Cedar apple rust resistant. Scion vigor is low, similar to Honeycrisp or weaker (=NY1 Vigor). Needs to be matched with higher vigor rootstock.

Galarina™ (X-4982 CLTV.)
Galarina™ is a Gala type highly scab resistant apple. This apple was devolved in France. Matures in October along with Empire. The apple hangs on the tree very well and shows little stem cracking even after harvest date. The fruit is very crisp and sweet and stores in regular storage for 4 months. The tree is vigorous and more hardy than gala. Galarina™ also shows high resistance to powdery mildew.

Freedom is a large bright red apple with a yellow background. The apple is a great multipurpose apple for eating, cooking or cider. The fruit ripens mid-season with Red Delicious. Stores until January. Freedom is highly resistant to scab, and moderately resistant to mildew and fire blight.

Story® Inored
Spreading growth habit with low to average vigor. Flowering period is the same as Golden. Harvest is 15 days after Golden. Good productivity, precocious, good distribution of crop load, and no pre-harvest drop. Story® is resistant to common strains of scab. The fruit is very attractive. It is bi-color with a dark shiny red overcolor that covers 3/4 of the apple.

Enterprise™ (C0-OP 30)
Enterprise™ is a Large deep red apple with a yellow background. The fruit ripens in late October and its full flavor develops after a month or two in storage. Its Tart flavor makes it great for a cooking apple but also for eating. The tree is vigorous. Enterprise™ is immune to scab, highly resistant to fire blight and cedar apple rust, and moderately resistant to mildew.

WineCrisp™ (C0-OP 31)
Winecrisp™ is a medium size red apple with small tan lenticels. The apple has a dull finish. The tree is moderately vigorous with no blind wood. The fruit is firm and mild and stores very well for up to 9 months. The apple is not prone to early fruit drop. Winecrisp™ is immune to scab, and moderately resistant to cedar apple rust, and mildew.

Golden Delicious x Co-17. Ripens in late October. Disease resistant, late harvesting yellow apple. Flesh is hard, very crisp. Stays crisp for months in storage with flavor mellowing from tart to tart-sweet. Spur type upright tree.